At the virtual peak with US President Biden, Chinese leader Xi Jinping projected China as a peace- loving nation and said it noway started a war nor claimed an inch of land of others.
“ Chinese people have always loved and valued peace. Aggression or ascendance isn’t in the blood of the Chinese nation,” Xi told Biden. “ Since the founding of the People’s Republic, China has noway started a single war or conflict, and has noway taken one inch of land from other countries,” he claimed, in an apparent attempt to play down review that Beijing is aggressively asserting territorial claims in the disputed areas, be that along the Line of Factual Control with India, the South China Sea or the maritime disagreement with Japan. Xi, still, said that China will “ clearly defend” its sovereignty as he advised that whoever plays with fire over Taiwan’s shot for independence will “ get burnt”.
China has never taken one inch of land from other countries: Xi tells Biden
November 17, 2021