How to Use Spoiler Tags on Discord: A Comprehensive Guide


Discord is a popular platform for communication among gamers and communities. One useful feature it offers is spoiler tags, which allow you to hide sensitive or spoiler content. In this web story, we will guide you on how to use spoiler tags on Discord effectively.

What are Spoiler Tags?

Spoiler tags are a way to conceal specific parts of a message or content to avoid revealing sensitive information or spoilers. When used correctly, spoiler tags can enhance the user experience and prevent accidental spoilers.

Step 1:  Type Your Message

Start by typing your message in the Discord chat or server where you want to use spoiler tags. It can be a sentence, paragraph, or even an entire message.

Step 2:  Mark the Spoiler

To mark a spoiler, simply wrap the sensitive or spoiler content with double vertical bars (||). For example, if you want to hide a sentence, type ||your spoiler sentence||.

Step 3:  Send the Message

After marking the spoiler content, hit the enter or send button to post your message. The sensitive part of your message will now be hidden by spoiler tags.

Step 4:  Viewing Spoiler Content

To view the concealed spoiler content, simply click or tap on the blurred text. Discord will reveal the hidden content, allowing you to read or see it.

Using Spoiler Tags for Image

1.Click the "+" icon in the chat or server to upload an image. 2.Select the image you want to upload. 3.Before sending the image, click on the "Mark as spoiler" checkbox. 4.Hit the enter or send button to post the image as a spoiler.

Spoiler Tag Best Practice

1.Use spoiler tags whenever discussing sensitive information, plot details, or upcoming releases. 2.Clearly indicate the presence of spoilers in your message to warn others. 3.Avoid posting spoilers in non-related channels or unsolicited private messages. 4.Respect the community guidelines and rules regarding spoilers.


Now that you know how to use spoiler tags on Discord, you can confidently engage in discussions without worrying about revealing spoilers. Remember to use spoiler tags responsibly to create a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone.